Business Economics I



We organize an exam preparation course for the subject Business Economics (BE510 for Mannheim Master of Management). The course includes a complete repitition (10am-7:30pm), in which we review the entire content of the lecture in a structured manner and calculate examples and exercises for each individual topic, as well as a separate exercise section, in which we solve exam questions, as they could be in the exam, or repeat content if necessary. Of course, there will always be enough time to answer your individual questions.

The course will take place over three days on the following dates:




Alle Informationen zum Kurs

Review part
The review part of the course runs daily from 10 am – 7 pm. During this time we repeat all the contents of the lecture and calculate some example and exercise problems for each topic.

Exercise part
After 7:30 p.m. the practice part begins and only problems are solved, as they could be in the exam and if necessary topics of the day are repeated again. In addition, there is enough time to answer any questions that could not be answered during the review section. The scope of the revision part is determined by the course instructor.

Content of the course
In terms of content, we will really start from scratch and work on all exam-relevant topics with mathematical reference, so that even those of you who may not have been too diligent during the semester can achieve a very good exam result.

The explanations of the course will be given in English.

Course dates

The course will take place over three days on the following dates:


Course fee:
*including documents (digital), snacks, contact possibility for content-related questions (also after the course), etc.

Course instructor:

Eric Klemm

BSc VWL University of Mannheim 2014 – 2018 (final grade: 1,0)
MPhil Economics University of Oxford 2018 – 2020
MRes Economics University College London (UCL) 2020 – 2021
MPhil/PhD Economics University College London (UCL) 2021 – present.

We reserve the right to reschedule on-site appointments to online appointments for important reasons, especially due to short notice illness of the course instructor.

Das sagen unsere Kursteilnehmer

Glückliche Mathefischer-Kundin: Viveca


TU Darmstadt, Statistik I

„Das Angebot nach Kursende noch beliebig lange Übungsaufgaben zu bearbeiten hat es mir ermöglicht mit meinem Kursleiter nochmals eigene Schwerpunkte zu setzen. Noch nie vorher konnte ich mir die klausurrelevanten Inhalte in so kurzer Zeit auf so effiziente Weise aneigenen“

Glückliche Mathefischer-Kundin: Ann-Sophie


Universität Mannheim, Finanzmathematik

„Der strukturierte Aufbau, die Möglichkeit ständig Fragen zu stellen und die unkomplizierte, offene Erklärungsweise haben mir besonders gefallen. Vor allem jedoch die Tatsache, sogar Tage nach dem Kursende noch Fragen stellen zu können, heben den Kurs in meinen Augen besonders hervor.“

Glücklicher Mathefischer-Kunde: Felix


Universität Marburg, Induktive-Statistik

„Besonders in Erinnerung bleibt mir die Fähigkeit meines Dozenten den doch sehr abstrakten Stoff auf eine verständliche Sprache herunterzubrechen, ohne dabei übermäßig stark zu vereinfachen. Ich würde den Kurs aufjedenfall wieder besuchen!“